Matt finally graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho on December 18th in Accounting and couldnt be more relieved to have that over and done with! His family was there (beside Taiwan Adam) to support him. He looked so happy and ready for the next adventure. Right now he has been interview with multiple companies looking for an accounting position with no luck so far. The back up plan is to complete his masters sometime in the next year. We really are hoping for a job first because everyone wants to hire someone with experience but if that doesnt work out its not that big of a deal and he will complete a masters...that always looks better on a resume anyways! He really has been working hard and deserves a little break. So the current plan is Christmas at the Beckmans and then its up to Seattle for a couple months to relax and make some moolah! Then its grad school in the fall...unless a job sneaks up on us!

We have started our journey for christmas...man for newlyweds we roadtrip way too much and way too far! but we enjoy it and cant wait to spend time with our families! So right now we have all our things moved and on the road. Our first stop was Utah where we visited Temple Square to look at the Christmas lights..oh man they are amazing!
seriously on every big tree it covers EVERY branch!

(oh...P.S I dyed my hair a burgundy brown! Im liking it!)
so after the lights we went to Matt's sisters house and then the next day Matt had yet another interview. He never gives up and I am so proud of him for working so hard. He really is an amazing husband! I know every wifey says that but I cant help from not saying it! if that even made sense...Anywho..later on our agenda we are spending time with Zach and Brytni Despain (one of Matt's best friends) and going snowboarding/skiing on tuesday! I would have just said snowboarding but Matt does ski and so i feel like i need to include that just for him! I know im strange! ...whatever...but we are so pumped, especially since we went once last year and so it feels like it has been about 2 years! OOOOOOHHH im so excited!! Plus I will be testing out my new board! woopDwoop!!
So after snowboarding we will head out Wednesday morning for Danville, CA for christmas and some amazing mama Beckman food! oh i cant wait! and I'm sure that lady has some suprises up her sleeve for us...thats what makes her great! Man...i love this holiday season!! so on top of being home with my family (mom, dad, nana, papa...and maybe even jake!) i get to see my friends!! they are always amazing for some good laughs! i miss those girls! cant wait!
Well...more to come later! hopefully i can get some good shots of my papa bowling on the Wii!!! he honestly has some amazing form!!