Wow I (Chelsea) had no idea what i was getting into with this new job. I wasnt trained properly and so i have been trying doing this job blindly. Everyday i am learning something new that i was supposed to have been doing. But my jobs includes a lot of counting and recounting and distributing! its great! (that was supposed to be a little sarcastic but at the same time not..haha) I really am just so grateful that i was offered the job. And it proves that if you are doing whats right god will answer your prayers. Even though i have absolutely no idea who to do inventory Im catching on pretty fast, atleast thats how i feel. But this last week i have been working about 10-12 sometimes 13 hour days. Its like each day i find out something that i should have been doing that i need to make up for, and sometimes there is no way to know what had been done before me because it wasnt documented. I am getting the order of things though and extremely organized. My super OCD is coming out so strong its probably annoying everyone. But someone needs to be strick and not so lenient because thats how the numbers become so far off what they should be and it just train wrecks after that. I feel like i have been so rude to the techs and everyone hates me, but i just dont want to mess up and just get things organized thats all. Ahhhh..the stress..Plus on top of that stress i had to take some tests for my online health and health ed classes by friday, which ironically covered the chapters on stress and the disabilities that extreme high levels of stress can cause. So i started stressing reading about stress and how much i could have overstressed this last week...This all reallycomes down to how i am just so greatful for matt for helping me to see the positive and really lending an extra hand with counting all the inventory almost every night! I sound like a Kindergarden teacher when i say this but he really was my "little helper!" I probably wouldnt have lasted in this position if it werent for his possitive and comforting help. Matt...I love you and thanks (not that this is something new but just a side note reminder i guess!) But now its the weekend and i can take the time to relax and get myself all pulled together..hopefully! haha
MAn this is kind of a downer post but i can tell you besides the stress of work, being a Robinson is amazing and aside from work, matt and i are just having so much fun out here in Maryland and just barely remembered that it had been a month since we got married...thanks cindy for the reminder!!! haha. We are constantly laughing and just having a good time. I have just been practicing my little suzy homemaker skills and making matt a lunch every day for work and cooking for him whenever we have time to (or the appitite in the middle of the night) to eat after he gets home from work. Last Sunday we took a stroll around D.C and saw some interesting things. We saw a segway tour of like 10-15 people just rolling around listening to headphones. we got the brochure and now trying to get matts "boss" to make it an end of the summer party. Not necessarily for the tour but to get all of us on segways riding around all D.C on segways and goofing off! Oh the hilarity of it all!! okay well really nothing new has happened except DC so here is just a couple pictures to make this blog a little more upbeat rather than stressing those that read about my stress!!
Happy PictureS!
This is a super old pharmacy..can you see the year at the top?
These people were cracking us up! It was a tour group on Segways. It was hilarious watching them all ride around, and this one lady was pretty much terrified she was going to crash. Now we want to take the tour just to goof off on the Segways
Capitol Building!

The Lincoln Memorial view from the Washington Monument

... Happy Pictures!
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