May 24, 2009
I know, I know, where are all the pictures...
My mom is so funny, on May 18th, she sent a text message to me and Chelsea congradulating us on our month anniversary. It was nice of her to remember and think of us because WE both didn't even think about it until she texted us. We thought it was pretty funny. I hope the fact that neither of us remembered our month anniversary isn't like a bad omen or something.. I mean, we did shove cake in each others faces. Seriously though, I look at my left hand sometimes and can't believe that Chelsea and I are married! It is still great, and we are better friends and more in love than ever. (Too mushy? I'm sorry, it just came out).
Anyway, nothing really note-worthy happened this week, just plugging along with work. We went to D.C. last weekend and took some pictures. We'll try to get them up sometime soon, when we catch our breath :)
Matt and Chelsea
May 23, 2009
Little Stressors of life!

These people were cracking us up! It was a tour group on Segways. It was hilarious watching them all ride around, and this one lady was pretty much terrified she was going to crash. Now we want to take the tour just to goof off on the Segways
Capitol Building!

The Lincoln Memorial view from the Washington Monument

May 19, 2009
getting into a groove
We have now been married a month, and couldn't be happier!
May 10, 2009
First week of our summer is DONE!!
May 8, 2009
A Little Update
this was just the beginins...

we had to walk to get a good look at the 1900 ft crater of beauty as they were plowing the street!

We hopped right back into the car for another 10 hours... to finally reach seattle in time for the Mariners game! Where Jenna then accompanied us to help cheer on Ichiro! WOO go team go! i only wish i could have seen the convertable top close!
After we left seattle we headed up to canada to the beautiful Gardens of Butchart!!
"chelsea is so funny!" This is a Redwood tree Hedge!! crazy!!
Th Gardens were just amazing and right after the gardens we glided around Victoria on our longboard and a camera just looking like tourist! and thats when we run into the bum with turrets! it was a beautiful day that not even a bum could ruin! by the end of the day chelsea's calf was hurting so much to where we made multiple stops for a stretching break! Because our balcony had an amazing view and a bbq we bought steaks, garlic asperagus and Dr. Pepper for one night, and the other night we had salmon and halibut with a side salad and some mashed potatoes! The feast for kings! Chelsea got to experience her first taste of halibut and fell in love shortly thereafter!
Our trip to Canada was so fun and we were a little bummed to have to leave, but we headed back to seattle for one more night and then enjoyed a great open house at the parents for more wedding gifts and cheesecake for months to come! It was very low key but perfect! Chelsea got to meet people from Redmond that matt talked about and we had some great laughs! Chelsea's mom and dad flew up from California and it was so good to see them and have them there at the reception.
The next morning we were finally making our way across the country to Maryland! our first stop was Salt Lake, UT where we stayed at Chelsea's Nanas house for one night. 12 hours later we ended in Omaha, Nebraska. This was a great pit stop because we decided to camp out at a KOA but it ended up raining and we rented a little wood cabin and fell asleep to the rain storm overhead! it was peaceful! The next 8 1/2 hour drive took us to chicago for 2 nights! Matt suprised me with Cubs tickets!! I have always wanted to go to Wrigley Field to watch the Chicago Cubs play. it was great! but before the game we walked around chicago and took some pictures of the windy city

"if the moon was made out of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat the moon? HECK i know i would, i even go for seconds and polish it off with an ice cold Budwizer!"

Finaly surrounded by a sea of BLUE

May 4, 2009
Just getting started
We made out way then from canada to seattle for the open house! it was perfect and small! There was plenty of cheesecake left over so im sure if you still want some give cindy a call!! after the open house we then started our coast-to-coast treck from seattle to Maryland.
We made a stop in Salt lake, then Omaha, where we camped out at a KOA. It was raining so we stayed in a little cabin instead of a tent. It was so much fun! but from there we made our way to the windy city of chicago for 2 nights. We got to go to a cubs game! It was chelsea's first time to a cubs game which she had always wanted to see the cubs play at wrigley field! it was a great experience! the cubbies lost but we had such an awesome time.
after chicago we had a storm follow us all the way through ohio! it was bad but after ohio we go infront of it and made it to Maryland around 1 in the morning friday night! we were so excited to finally sleep in our apartment but were sad when our keys didnt work and we stayed in another apartment that night until we go the key issue resolved the next day!
Now matt is getting back into the groove of installing while chelsea has been setting up the apartment! we love our new place and excited to see how this summer goes!