I can spend all day with beck and the most I will get is a pity laugh. Dad walks in the room and he can't stop sqweeling and laughing. I guess I'm not that funny. Watch this!
This year we had stuffing day at our house with Matts sister Megan! oh my gosh it was great! mostly just because our turkey actually turned out and Megan was there!
we started out with a really light breakfast with fresh fruits and cottage cheese and some homemade toast. yum! then after a short rest we dove into some appitizers..spinach dip, sourdough, veggies, cream cheese raspberry chipotle dip and wheat thins and rosemary crackers
Then with all the stress of praying that the turkey would be cooked through and not over cooked we enjoyed the best turkey i have tasted in a long time!! for a first timer this was perfection!!
then it was an early dinner with classic grean bean casserol, salad, rolls, mashed potates, gravey and turkey. oh and traditional cranberry sprite and apple grape martinellis! Seriously stuffing!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Robinsons!!
(P.s Becks first thanksgiving and he enjoyed every bite of turkey!)
and Megan!
Beck couldn't get enough turkey..we practially had to restrain him from scarfing it all!
i cant get enough of that gummy smile! and his mouth full of turkey
we had a blast preparing and hosting our first Thanksgiving but could wait to do it again. haha
Thankful for...my savior. the gospel in my life. my husband. how much he makes me laugh, smile, love and care. my baby boy. my family. my inlaws. friends. temples. a roof over my head. a bed to sleep in. food to eat. my health. being a cosmetologist. matts job. matts dedication to provide for his family. my happy and comfortable life.
so im one of those viewers that makes sure from 3-4 i am uninterupted so i can watch Ellen. Pathetic i know. its just so interesting. One day i will be on the show...im crossing my fingers to go during maternity week! she dishes goodies out like crazy!! but that will take crazy good planning! haha but today they had the cutest little girls again! they seriously are hilarious and i hope at least one of my kids are this outgoing and funny!
he is getting so big and has so much personality!! he is growing up so fast. i want to slow time down! i swear he said "mama" the other day. Matt even caught it on tape!
This year marks Beck's first Halloween and his Grami Tami bought him 3 different costumes..she clearly forgot that she bought the others! Even though matt and i have been married through 3 Halloweens, this is our first year of passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters! Not as fun as i thought it would be...maybe its just me but the kids were so awkward...and high schoolers! okay i'll admit i went treating when i was a junior in high school but thats different...right?! anywho...It's also our first time carving pumpkins together...i know we are slackers/party poopers! I think last year we bought pumpkins but never carved them. this year we carved away and even roasted the pumpkin seeds! oh and watched Chunkin Punkin for a good 3 hours! I'd say we did pretty good this year!
he started out as a Shark!
Then....a Monkey
and a Tiger for the finale!
We took him to a couple of the neighbor houses pretty much just to show him off. one of our neighbors wanted to see all 3 outfits..so we dressed and went 3 different times! It was so fun to dress him up and now im already thinking of his costume for next year.I'm going to get more into it. we sort of dressed up this year....
and so quickly came 7 months for Beck! he is getting so big and learns so fast! once this kid learns how to move his arms while crawling i will have my hands full! he has so much gusto that he will just take off and leave me in the dust!
7 months and he..
loves to be snuggled and swaddled in his blanket for bedtime
all smiles
can say momma and dadda
loves to walk with mom and dads help
can sit in his stroller all day long
is still afraid of loud cheering
is a daddys boy
loves to skype with grami and grandma
is getting pumped to wear his 4 different halloween costumes!
loves story time right before bed
loves to blow bubbles constantly with his mouth
loves the grass (im in trouble when it starts snowing)
has monkey toes and can grab anything with his feet
he moves so fast! we are in "barney ruble" (trouble) when he figures how to move his hands. luckily the gate to block the stairs is already purchased! ha
yesterday and he is loving the job! there are so many perks for him being a skiier and all! he already has his season pass ready to go and cant wait to purchase new gear!!! This really is his dream job, him being a skiier and outdoors guy, and the company being all about winter and outdoor sports!! he is a perfect fit and blending in with everyone at work. He has worked so hard and its paying off. Congrats to us!
2 days in the making for this one entry...im trying to catch up on almost 4 months here! so sorry its crazy long! i understand if you only look at pictures...i dont plan on writing much! pictures tell more than words right?! enjoy!
July 2011 Jones Reunion!
all except one of moms brothers! we missed you lloyd and kris!
Four generations!!
i was flying solo (with beck). matt couldnt come because of work and his family reunion was 2 weeks later
im sure he planned it that way so he could get out of being with my crazy family! ha
Matt didnt come and Dad had work as well and was stuck in his cave talking with japan or switzerland or something...
Alex got home from his mission and met beck for the first time!
(this isnt there first meet and greet but he is a good uncle!)
at the "farm"
Lake Couer D' Alene
and this was constant behavior from grami and gramps!
4 month {grease ball!}
rice cereal for the first time! pirceless reactions!
We went camping on Whidby Island in Seattle for the reunion. it was so much fun!! the adults stayed up to play board games one night and thought we were going to get beat up by some old man neighbor for being too loud. no warning no nothing just his trembeling scream to wake everyone else up who couldnt hear us. camping adventures!
baby bjorn!
Beck's cousin Luke filled up the tank a little better! ha these kids are going to be awesome cousins! they gotta team up against the twins!! haha
the tide on this beach rolled in so fast we saw the boats, which were on dry sand, go afloat! neat
too bad i dont have landons face! he wasnt too happy with the covering the body with sand part. the hole idea was fun just not the idea of being stuck! ha!
Still at the reunion we went to a mariners game and Beck got his first Mariners shirt and wore it proudly! he just wasnt a fan of all the cheering or the crazy hot sun!
7th inning stretch dance! "lady killer!"
Beck loves his Grandma
Beck turned 5 month shortly after we moved into Nana and Papa's house in North Odgen while Matt gets his Masters in Accounting at Weber State.
5 months and getting so freaking big! i love my little man!
First haircut! at this moment i really felt hair school payed off! A little proud! but sad also to cut off becks dark locks! he is going to be a toe-head in the next couple weeks! seriously instant blondy!
Chelsea's 23rd Birthday!
Mom made an amazing surprise visit and made me my favorite angel food cake! YUM+EEEE
and matt is always so amazing and giving gifts! i wanted this poloroid so bad but barely ever mentioned it! he is perfect! best birthday! mom surprised me, babysat beck, and matt took me on such a beautiful and unforgetable date! I truly am in love..and 23! happy birthday to me!
Beck Loves hanging out with his Nana!
Can you believe our son is 6 months old now! and wear my homemade hat!
We have been married since April 2009 and still LOVING life more and more each day. We live in Harrisville, Utah where Matt is working as a Financial Analyst for Amer Sports. As for Chelsea she is a mom and Cosmetologist who works from home! We have 2 amazing kids, Beck and Jane. We really are living the dream and soaking up every minute!