A couple weekends ago Beck and I had a weekend getaway back to Danville. My friends threw Baby Jane and i a shower! so of course i drove down there! our first stop was a pass by of the old stomping grounds. that was a pretty house!

Sam was the best driver ever! so glad she got to come and we got to hang out. Beck seriously loves his Auntie Sammy

the decorations were amazing, the food was delicious, and the friends were endless!!
beck and teddy were getting a little rosy cheeked so we let them splash in the pool! they were so adorable.
model baby
aren't my friends beautiful? i cant thank them all enough for coming and for their love and support! love you girls..that goes for the girls couldnt make it also! it was an amazing shower and i am so lucky
sadly on our long drive home some chunk of something flew out of a truck and smashed right into the drivers line of sight. it could have killed Sam. lucky for us someone was watching out for us.
overall it was an amazing and quick weekend.
i am so lucky to have the friends i do and
so grateful to be having a healthy baby girl!
LOVE YOU. miss you. come back.