I feel terrible for not posting anything in so long. especially since i know how many followers i have. its sad most of the people that follow our blog i end up talking to the next day anyways so this is nothing new! but maybe this will be great for a scrapbook of our lives. but to be honest a lot has happened since my mom has come up to visit. okay well maybe not a whole lot but we have been busy. Matt is doing great with his job at AMP and i am getting more and more experience at school. i got a really great compliment the other week. i was asked to help a friend with a perm for her cousins sister. so i had to do a perm on a 5 year old girl. my friend told me that she asked me because she didnt really trust anyone else...she does but really wanted to impress her family and asked me to help. i was honored really! to be trusted in a hair school of picky girls is pretty exciting! woo go me! but im not amazing and i know that but it was really comforting to get a compliment. Im still terrified of cutting mens hair but with matts and his brother-in-law clints help im gradually relaxing. As for matt at work he has been working is butt off and it really has been paying off. he stays later and works harder everyday. he has been great and has been getting many pats on the back for being so helpful. And the best part is he only has room to move up in the company! not like taking over the company but more recognition with everyone! i really am so proud of him and couldnt be happier to married to such a hard worker. so on top of us doing well at school and work our 1st year anniversary was on April 18th. so to celebrate we went to a muse concert about a week before. and it was AMAZING!! seriously amazing! we had both been to a muse concert before but this one was by far the best one EVER! and what perfect timing especially since it is our favorite music!

the stage was just amazing..3 buildings with each musician in the middle of them...and on top of the crazy lighting and crazyness the drum set in the middle rotated! so amazing! to make our anniversary even better we had to give a talk the day of our anniversary in sacrament and teach our primary class all combined which was such a blast!...(sarcasm) but the talks went well and now our ward knows of us. but after church we packed up a picnic lunch and blankets and headed up the canyon and ended in park city. we went to a park and ate on the hill till the sun went down. it was so relaxing and really enjoyed just taking it easy..like everything we do!
since our anniversary we got a visit from matts family as they all reunited for his grandmas funeral. I was more of a happy funeral...not because she was finally gone but because she was now able to have her full mind back and join her husband in that place that we all aspire to go eventually. Matts aunts and uncles when they are all together were hilarious and we really enjoyed seeing/meeting them all. the funeral was a classic movie funeral scene, it was overcast and rainy all day but everyone made the best of it and celebrated Thelma's life. I sadly only met matts grandma once and that was after she had been in an assisted living facility for a couple years already. Matt said he didnt really recognize her anymore and it was definitely the same for her. Her mind had wandered away and her body was withering away as well. We sat in her room for a while and didnt really get anything fom her but a glance. as we said goodbye we hugged and then matt wanted a picture. we looked at it all together and i joked to Thelma that she wasnt too happy to see up because we didnt get a smile from her. so we joked a little and then we got a big smile from her and she hugged us goodbye and walked us to the door. It was for sure a tender moment because we knew that going to be the last time we saw her. and it was a sweet goodbye and a good way to go. I know matt was really grateful also. She will never be forgotten. We love you Grandma Sharp!
after the funeral/family reunion...things slowed down a little until my mom announced that they were putting the Logan house on the market and that we should swap out our washer/dryer for their washer/dryer. and that was a trip were were grateful to make. they are beautiful pieces of machinery and cant thank my parents enough for all they do and give us! we are lucky! really lucky! okay really really really really...etc...lucky!
thats really all thats happened....coming up next...MOM'S DAY!!!
Yay new washers and dryers!!! I'm glad you posted so I can keep up!