The Month of March:

The Month of April:
Jane had her first plane ride. She was amazing! Slept like a champ! We were able to fly in for Katie's wedding to become Mr & Mrs Sam Hartman! Seriously one of the cutest couples!
the girls all reunited (one of the perks of friends weddings!)
Baby J and Lenny!
BECK TURNED 2!!!!!!!

he got a bike and some lunch time fun with dad!
This little lady turned 4 Months old
cutest siblings ever! he is so sweet and gentle with his baby sister!
oh and we bought "chick chicks" say hello to Whitney Houston, Oprah Winfrey, and Tina
The Month of April:
Matt had his Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mission Reunion. It was a flood of memories and Portuguese that i tried to keep up with. We had a lot of fun!
In between General Conference sessions we decided to hike to the waterfall in Ogden. Beck insisted on walking the whole way! what a trooper. We love having Aunt Megan and Aunt Jenna over.
Landon had his birthday at Chuck-e-cheese! Beck was obsessed with shooting baskets and this jeep ride with his cousins! such cute friends!
Matt turned the big 3ZERO! so he got spoiled and had a couple parties. One with family for some tasty dessert
then to Benihana's in SLC
Where he was surprised by our amazing friends Sam and Bryan!!!
the surprises didnt end there though! I tried my absolute hardest to keep it a secret and he was completely shocked!!
Tons of friends helped me surprise him after our dinner in SLC and he was blown away. Matt later told me that he had secretly always wanted to have a surprise party!
Our trip to Seattle and Coeur D' Alene
Beck and Jane are so lucky to have the cousins they have!
about 3 months apart and there is quite a difference!! Love Baby Abby!
ahahahaha this pose was killing Matt and I. Such a poser!
Seattle ZOO
Grami and Gramps' house
Grandma B's 90th Birthday
Jane's 5 Months
Jane's first ponytail!
The Month of May:
Now it makes sense where Jane's crazy hair comes from! morning bed heads!
the underwear king!! we started potty training and it went really well!
My Mothers Day picture with my beautiful family and the wonderful rose Beck made for me in nursery!
My first 5K ever! It felt so amazing to push myself to run the entire time and by the finish line I wanted to keep going! Kailey helped me train and run the race! running buddy!
Hike up to the waterfall in Layton. and i guess red was the color of the day! haha
Beck and Hudson playing in our firetruck! it was a super hot day so we let the kids run in the sprinklers. pretty funny!
this girl turned 6 Months!
The Month of June:
A trip to the Hogle Zoo with Kailey and Hudson!
splash pad to cool down and Ms. Jane is wanting to start crawling!
Beck attends his first Birthday Party. Happy 2 years Scout!
Some shooting at Clint's family cabin. I popped a whole round and it was actually fun. Slowly im getting more and more comfortable with shootin' dem guns!
our little 7 month old Diva
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