Everything that we go through we go through together and are always thinking of the other. We make such a great team I honestly couldnt have asked for anyone for suited for me. We really truly are a perfect match. We are always laughing and having fun. The picture posted above was just a couple weeks ago before i got my job. We went to Island Park for the weekend with another couple Paul and Karma. We stayed at their cabin and the next morning we went swimming in a freezing cold lake and then traveled to another lake just five minutes away and rented canoes for an hour or two. I was a beautiful day and we just relaxed. I can only imagine that my life with Matt will be nothing but laughs, adventure and excitement.
I do have to say how grateful i am to have such an amazing husband as Matt. He is the perfect husband and i couldnt have asked for better. He is such a great example and helps me to be better. He is my best friend and I am so lucky to have him. I love him so much and am so excited to see how our lives pan out together and growing old together. I love you Matt Robinson and i am so proud to say i am your wife for time and all eternity!