Matt luckily got off a little early on saturday just in time for some bbq by the pool and then dc for the night! It was a really fun day! Our first 4th of July together and cant wait to see what the next one throws at us... But we started out the celebration going down to the pool to cook some stuffed hamburgers and garlic asparagus. When we got down there both grills were being used. there was so much crammed on both grills that we decided to just bring our little george forman down and cook it there by the pool with our friends! we ended up almost finishing before anyone else even got their burgers on the grill! it was great and worked perfectly!
We then realized it was getting kind of late so we headed out to D.C with another couple, Rob and Kali Jaeger. we jumped right onto the train and then walked a little ways to the national mall to find our spot of grass right in the middle of the capitol building and the washington memorial. it was the perfect view!

notice anything strange about the PARK RANGER?
..maybe his riffle????
We saw a ton of crazy, awkward, funny, and stinky people! they had performances by barry mantelow and aretha franklin, some pleasure worshipers, and people chanting "OBAMA!" then singing the star spangeled banner. Matt and i went to the side to play a game of catch on sidelines but the game was ended pretty ubruptly when i squatted to catch a low ball and split my pants right in the crack! so we got some ice cream and sat down and watched all the people hurding to the matt until the fireworks show! there seriously were a million people there on the national mall strip. it was awesome to see how many people come from virginia, dc, and maryland to fill up the whole lawn area.

this is me mimicing the pleasure worshipers..i cant remember the actual religion but it was a lot of chanting and dancing.

Once it got dark enough, they turned on the capitol lights. it looked so cool because it basically glowed! perfect photo op!!
The fireworks started out like any other finale and kept it up the whole way through until the actual finale! it was constant bright lights for like 5 minutes! Me was the best 4th O' July firework show i have ever seen!!
And thats the show folks! happy fourth of jully!
Wow how cool that you get to experience that! The pictures are amazing.