On Tuesday, November 27th 2012 I was scheduled to be induced at the McKay Dee hospital in Ogden
i was so anxious (and uncomfortable) the night before that i just couldn't sleep. it was torturous and around 2 am it was becoming unbearable so i had to do something, so i took a shower, practically got ready and then laid back down in bed till our alarm went off around 8!
Checked in a little before 9
and everything was smooth sailing from there

i had the best nurse anesthesiologist, and doctor. After getting checked in, pricked with needles, got an iv drip going and answered the zillion questions, we were ready to get crackin! we filled out some papers and last second decided to give her a middle name of Audrey. i hate doing stuff like that last second but it just felt right. there's a little story behind it but that's for another time!By 10:30 or so i was given pitocin to induce the contractions and there was no time wasted because by about 10:45 i was feeling some cramping and they were practically regular. we had been waiting for Dr. Seale (Rocky) to come and check in on us and when he did the anesthesiologist made his appearance at the same time. The Doc had to break my water. The process was very quick and almost immediately after i was sat up and given an epidural. funny story... our nurse Sabrina had been telling us how extremely quiet the little Indian anesthesiologist was and that the only thing he will say is "ouch" right when he sticks in the needle. when he showed up he said "hello...have you had an epidural before?" then he did his thing setting up and prepping the area and tapped my back and said in a very monotone a quiet voice "ouch." it was hilarious! but then after the line was put in and set up, he started explaining to me how to push the button for more and how it works! when he left the nurse was shocked! she went off about how that was incredible and how much he talked! she said in all her years of working with him that was the most she had ever heard him talk! haha..."ouch!!!" so funny. Now its was about a quarter to 12 and the nurse said it was going to be a lot of waiting from here. but she would be back in an hour to check me and see how far along i was. around 1 Sabrina came back in and sarcastically said "okay lets check you out and i bet you will be around a 7" really thinking i would be around a 5. and to her surprise i was at an 8 and the head was right there. i thought she was joking until she started to page Dr. Seale. then she flipped me on my side and lifted up a leg. she said this speeds the process just that much faster. She told me not to try and page her at least 10 minutes because we needed my iv to finish but i started feeling some pressure around 8 minutes and the iv bag was just barely gone. we paged her and she called the doc and, to spare the dirty details, after 5 contractions little miss Jane entered our world!

Miss Jane Audrey Robinson
born November 27th 2012
@ 2:27Pm
6 pounds 13 ounces
19 inches
Best team EVER
Dr. Fred (Rocky) Seale, one amazing Doc
so healthy, so blessed
one proud daddy (of 2!!!)
Beck meeting Jane for the first time was honestly heart melting. it was so precious!
Grami Tami holding Jane for the first time! same hair doo!
Best Big Bro!
Megan and Laura came to see Jane the first night!
Minnie mouse...haha
great-nana meets great granddaughter
i cant get enough of this kid! so stinking cute!
Welcome Baby Jane!
we love you